Friday Night Services: begin at 7:30 pm, Oneg following.

Shabbat Morning Services: listed in Upcoming Events) begin at 9:45am

  • (Preliminary Service at 9:45)
  • Kiddush Lunch followed by 1:00 Torah Study

Live Streaming Shabbat Service Options

Calendar:Etz Chayim & Jewish Community

NACHaS: For information about the EC & TBS joint Sunday School: 

We Stand with Israel!


Rabbi Stephen Listfield

Rabbi Listfield leads us in study, prayer and fellowship nine times a year, coming to us in Huntsville from his home in Atlanta.  He had a distinguished career as a full-time congregational rabbi for 40 years.  To learn about our rabbi, see his bio here


100th Birthday Celebration!!!

Etz Chayim had the honor of celebrating Howard’s 100th Birthday with all his family and friends from all over!   There were over 100 people to show Howard their love and appreciation for all of his great achievements and goodness as a wonderful person, husband, father and long time friend to Etz Chayim Synagogue.


PURIM 2024!

We had over 65 people join us for our Purim Shpiel, a short Service, and the Hot Dog Supper. The Sphiel’s producers and cast did a wonderful job. The youngest actors, the ladies of the pageant, were especially adorable!


Our Family Mitzvah Day was a huge success! After a brief service, we painted rocks to give to loved ones; wrote letters to IDF soldiers; cleaned toys in our children’s room; made pizzas for our participants; and drew designs on fabric to create a community quilt. Thanks to all who joined in these activities and those who helped organize and volunteer at the various stations. A meaningful and productive day!

What A Community!

We painted the building together! Then breakfast was served to the painters. Thank you to all who participated in organizing us, painting, serving breakfast & cleaning up afterward!


The Great Big Challah Bake!

We participated in The Great Big Challah Bake, a worldwide event for Jewish women. We had lots of fun and our challah turned out beautifully!